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tctl v1.17 data-converter command reference

Temporal CLI is now available

The public preview of Temporal CLI is now available. We encourage you to begin using it and to provide feedback.

After the release of Temporal CLI v1.0, tctl will deprecate.

The tctl dataconverter command enables custom Data Converter operations.


The tctl dataconverter web command specifies the WebSocket URL of a custom Data Converter to use with Temporal Web.

tctl dataconverter web --web_ui_url <url>

The following modifiers control the behavior of the command.


Specify a port for the WebSocket URL of a custom Data Converter. The default value is 0.


tctl dataconverter web --web_ui_url <url> --port <value>


Required modifier

Specify the WebSocket URL of a custom Data Converter.


tctl dataconverter web --web_ui_url <url>